Creekside Science completes 30 year review of San Bruno Mountain Habitat Conservation Plan


This fall, Creekside Science submitted their final draft of the 30-year review of the San Bruno Mountain Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). This HCP, approved in 1982, was the first ever such agreement. Now, there are more than 500 HCPs nationwide.  Although both the HCP planning and implementation process has changed dramatically in the past 30 years, there are many lessons that remain pertinent.

With the case of San Bruno Mountain, we conclude that the core butterfly species are thriving and well monitored. Core populations are stable, although some peripheral populations are in decline. We recommend more stewardship needs to be directed towards reducing scrub encroachment in grasslands. Rare plants and rare plant habitat also needs more future attention.

The official announcement and the full document is located on the San Bruno County Parks Department site:



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